Clueless People Who Are Ignorant And Proud
It's unfortunate that not everyone can have a certain level of common sense. If they could, the world would be a much better place, but that isn't how it works. The following people did things that they shouldn't be proud of doing. Brace yourself for all of the times people did something so dumb it had to be shared on the internet.
Donations Help
People could donate to homeless shelters, political causes, cancer research, and so much more.
Some decided to give Kylie Jenner money so she could become the youngest billionaire ever. That's pretty smart!
Mom Thought She Did It Right
Maybe her mom thought this was for a date. Perhaps she figured the insurance lady wanted to set her up with someone who might be a good fit.
This is why it's hard to trust adults with technology.
"She Was Waiting In Line For 5 Minutes"
Didn't she notice the mannequins didn't move? Not once in five minutes did she realize, "Boy, these guys in front of me aren't moving an inch!"
That's pretty crazy if you ask me.
The Nerve!
They shouldn't be getting married if they have to take an Uber Pool for their wedding.
Maybe they wanted to save money, but no need to get upset if someone else joins, then.
"My Manager Taped A Piece Of Paper To A Clipboard"
Isn't the purpose of a clipboard to clip papers, so you don't need to prop them up? Why would this "manager" do something like this?
Someone should've said something during the mandatory meeting.
Sorry About That, Brian
Brian is probably a really nice guy. To not correct this woman for three years says a lot about his character.
Either he didn't care much about his neighbor or was being too shy.
Poor Girl And Her Shirts
On her Twitter account, she tells people, "don't do this, or you'll die."
Well, she didn't die, but it looks like she cried a pretty good amount. Putting on a ton of shirts sounds fun until it isn't.
"Imagine Being This Stupid"
Well, I wouldn't go as far as calling this person stupid, but it would be nice to know how serious they were about this.
Hasn't everyone frozen water in a bottle before?
Ever Heard Of 10, 20, 30...?
It sounds like this Twitter user doesn't remember that people get a zero next to their age each decade.
After 10 years of living, you turn 10. That number contains a zero.
Some People Are Lost
Maybe it was a little kid who wrote this review. Still, it would be nice if the kid had more sense than this.
If an adult did it, they need to reconsider some things.
When Trust Disappears
This is why you can't trust folks over the internet. This poor soul had his code stolen in less than two minutes.
It's hard to be mad at other people when you caused it.
"Our Teacher Attempting To Cover The Answers"
How did this person become a teacher if this was their best idea for covering answers?
Can't they see that the piece of paper isn't going to work too well on a projector screen?
Great Marketing, Poor Execution
This is a great idea, but too bad the barber didn't execute it correctly.
Now, when someone uses it, they might have a kid they didn't plan on having so soon.
Bad Day For Him
That fence doesn't look easy to hop over. It's the kind that you shouldn't try hopping, but he did it anyway.
You see what the result is, but that's his fault.
No One Warned Him?
Why didn't anyone warn him what would happen if he licked that giant piece of ice?
His tongue is probably still stuck there today, but that's a lesson he had to learn.
Isn't That Tire Missing Something?
I'm not the biggest car expert, but where's the rest of the tire?
There's no rubber on it, so what's the point of having it on the back of your SUV?
A Thief's Dream
A thief in need of a bike would love to see something this easy.
How are you going to lock up your bike this poorly and expect to see it when you come back?
Selfie In The Men's Restroom
She entered that restroom with the most confidence. With her new blue hair, she posed in front of the mirror without realizing she was in the wrong place.
Didn't she see the urinals?
Man Laughed When Told The First Snow Fall Was Coming
If you have a car like this, it's in your best interest to listen to people when they warn you about snow.
This interior might be ruined now, and it's his fault.
That's Not How It Goes...
How does she expect to drive her car using the wheel with her seatbelt like that?
This must be a new strategy or something only she does, because I've never seen this before.
It Almost Looks Like A Shark
It almost looks like a shark, but she should be more sure next time.
She opened herself up for an onslaught of jokes by random Twitter users because she doesn't know her animals.
"Woman At Station Using Gasoline To Clean Bumper"
Well, I can't say I've ever seen someone do this, either.
It might work, sure, but that's the last thing you want to use to clean anything on your car.
That Doesn't Seem Smart
Unless that person lives walking distance away from the gas station, getting home without spilling any gas was probably an issue.
One abrupt stop and everything can get lost in a second.
She's In Too Deep
The crazy part about this is that this woman took a couple of steps before realizing she messed up.
I wonder how long it took for her to get out of that?
It Might Fit
If you believe hard enough, then it might fit. If not, then you're going to have to figure something else out for that giant box.
Maybe you should've asked a friend with a bigger car to help.
Good Luck With That
Maybe this person wanted to lose their life. How do you expect to see with that much snow on your windshield?
Also, how did they even see the road and make it to the highway?
This Karen's Little DIWhy
Look, I get being uncomfortable in a mask, but just deal with it like an adult.
Don't go out and make your own ridiculous see-through mesh thing. It just makes you look like a fish caught in a net.
"I Saw Someone Washing Their SUV Today"
If you're going to clean your car, wouldn't it be best if you shut your doors first?
She probably got in the car and asked where all this water came from.
All By Herself
Some people have a knack for doing things they shouldn't. How do you crash in an empty parking lot?
Was she going to try doing some donuts or was this her first time driving?
Not The Brightest Idea
Getting into the bath with a cat in your hands is a pretty risky move. This guy's back probably has the most scratches anyone has ever received.
The kitty wants to get out of there!
Read Before You Buy
If this person read what was going on with the product, they wouldn't have had to return it.
It clearly says it stops working after 30 minutes, so maybe an employee should have let that person know.
Llamas Would Disagree
First of all, there is at least one word that starts with a double-L. Second of all, the word they used ends in two L's.
Third of all, there are literally so many words that end in "LL." This whole post is a mess.
This Can't Be Allowed
It's totally fine to put a jacket, purse, or backpack over the back of your seat at a restaurant.
But I'm pretty sure a line is drawn at hanging a baby back there.
But It's Right There...
It's one thing to be disappointed by a product because you made a mistake by not actually reading the description
But it's a whole other thing to be dumb enough to give it a bad review over something that was your own fault.
...Eating Isn't Brave
I get that the media tends to put unrealistic expectations on women and their bodies
But it's also completely absurd for them to act like merely eating food is a revolutionary act.
Of Course, It Was A Florida Man
Whenever a headline starts with the words "Florida man," I know that it's going to be something horrifically dumb that's happened, and I love it with my whole heart.
I can't believe he thought "drinking and driving" meant you had to do both activities at the same time.
Does Uber Understand Where Its Customers Come From?
One of the main reasons that people take Ubers is because they are drunk and, therefore, cannot drive.
If anything, almost everyone who gets in an Uber after 7 p.m. is drunk.
I Bet They Failed The Course
The saddest part about this interaction is that they will never understand that they are the second type of person who is silently alluded to on the shirt in the first place.
You know that he was happy his shirt worked.
People Are So Ungrateful
A dishwasher is not a cheap appliance.
So having someone offer one online for free is already the bargain of a lifetime, and this person still had the audacity to ask for more.
He's The Leader Of The Catholic Church, Ashley
In general, I think it's a bit rude to talk about someone else's personal religious values on their behalf.
But it's definitely too far to suggest that the POPE, of all people, is a bad Catholic.
Sometimes The Dumb Questions Are The Right Ones
The person who posted this screenshot thought the people searching if strawberries were berries were idiots.
But in reality, strawberries technically aren't classified as berries but instead in a category called "aggregate fruit."